I thought it was pretty good; it was a pretty solid, basic beat to start you out at the get go.
Take the knowledge you have already, and apply some more variation to the loops, otherwise, its not really a song, more of a loop.
Make some of your own drum fillers, bass drops, melodic patterns, other types of variation; it's absolutely limitless!
I see that you already have talent, and trust me, from experience, im not the best, im no expert, i've been doing this for years and im no where near perfection, but i do know that it does take years to get where I am.
However, I'm straying from the point. What I would recommend for someone in your position in sequencing would be looking at automation and different kinds of envelopes. They work differently for every kind of sequencing program on the market, so you know what to do! Use the trusty interwebs and look up things like automation, or envelopes. It will definitely change the way you look at, approach, and do your sequencing. It will give you so many more options you couldn't get without them. It definitely helps when your making transitions, bridges, and verses, so that you don't lose the rhythm and beat of the song while going from one idea to the next; it allows everything to blend into one continuous story!
I hope you take a look at some of these things and apply them to what you're already doing, because you've already shown you have so much potential! I look forward to hearing your tracks in the future :)
-Live Carbon