hey man, not bad at all!
ok, so i like the overall idea for the song completely! its a great song.
there are just several aspects bugging me with the entire song.
what i enjoyed
-intro-good intro. the part in between the first drum hit, and the rest of the drum line allowed too much room where nothing happened, so you might want to put instrument filler, preferably bass in between then.
constructive critiques:
-sometimes, when the melody synths come in, it sounds really hard hitting, clawing and scratching at the ears, almost hard to listen to. you might wanna look into how you have the amps and decibels set.
what is with your drum loop. as soon as the song began, i thought, hmm, that sounds like that drumloop could turn into something awesome. and it never changed once. that was really disappointing to hear, as an artist.
your transition to the other key was a poor way to transition. just by slowly bending pitches. yeah, i guess its not done often, so i guess its something different, but the reason why is, yeah, it offers something different to provide a transition, but it creates unbearable dissonance, and makes the song hard to listen to. learn how to shift keys in different ways, that will help a lot. the way that you did it wasn't good. and, also, you shifted to a key that doesnt match up in a good way with the original key you wrote the song in. you might want to select a more complementary tone for smoother transition.
ok, well, this song would be good, if it ended a lot earlier. i know, i like to have long songs too, but sometimes, people need to realize that songs can be good short or long. some songs sound even 10X better when they're shorter. this can be for 2 reasons
1. the song came to a resolution point, and everything already came to a most satisfying close. that wasn't yours, but its just one of the reasons
2. yours. the song, if repeated too much, becomes extremely repetitive. i enjoy your song. but i dont enjoy it enough to listen to it for 6 minutes. sorry.
i probably had more things to critique, but i forgot them, sorry :D